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Our Services

Below are some of the 🥖 and 🧈 projects we deliver regularly. For more information, contact us at IROS new number:

📲 043 55 62 707  ☎️ 



PFAS 🧯-NOT an Emerging contaminant anymore- 🔥 Heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, organic solvents, ASS materials, agriculture fertilizers

HAZ-MAT & Asbestos

Hazardous ⚠️ materials including Asbestos in Buildings, Lead (Pb) in paint 🎨 , silica in rocks, Ozone Depleting Substances in refrigeration systems

Hydrology & Groundwater

Surface water, groundwater, water quality, Construction dewatering, monitoring well, piezometer

Waste Classification

VENM, ENM, BRU, Resource Recovery, Construction waste disposal, soil stockpile materials with inclusion such as: concrete, rock-brick-timber-tyre

WHS / Safety

ISO4801, Audit, ICAM Investigation, HAZOP, SafeWork NSW/ Mines, SWMS/Risk Assessments, Strata Site Inspections


- Audit/review robustness of mine closure plans - Mine environmental support services - Due diligence, compliance ground & surface WQ monitoring & reporting - Mine closure plans - Rehabilitation of drill holes -Mine Site Rehabilitation -Acid mine drainage (AMD)

Ecological Assessment

If the development/site located within an ecologically important area, hence the need for Ecological Assessment (Flora & Fauna) is crucial to understand the existing flora community and associated fauna habitat/behavior in regards to the possible loss through the development.

NorBE Assessment

We are authorized by the state government & WATER-NSW to assess the Neutral or Beneficial Effect (NorBE) on Water Quality. This is a mandatory requirement by government if the development is located within the "Sydney Drinking Water Catchment" i.e. over 5 million people in Sydney & the Blue Mountains, Illawarra, Southern Highlands, Goulburn & Shoalhaven regions.

BAL Assessment

Bushfire Attack Level or BAL is a method for rating the intensity of a locations potential exposure to bushfire. Identifying the Bushfire Attack Level around your property can help you site a new structure or better manage an existing one.

Our Specialization


From PFAS in water to Asbestos in buildings, from a review of environmental factors (REF) down to the fuel tank removal #decommissioning.

PSI 👨‍💻 🔍 phase 1️⃣

Preliminary site investigations or phase 1 report or desktop study, whatever you like to call it, we do it better than anyone.

CEMP-Council 🛠🧰

CEMP to be prepared whenever there is a chance that construction projects could impact the environment negatively. Construction environmental management plan report can be completed in 3-5 days by IROS.

DSI 🚜 📊 phase 2️⃣

Detailed site investigations or phase 2 report or PSI + limited sampling, we do it quicker than anyone.

Service Station⛽️🛢

Poorly planned and executed site investigations are likely to result in time delays and additional costs. Any inadequate or misleading data may adversely affect human health and ecological receptors.

DMP-Demolition 🧨💥

Demolition management plan prior to demolition #reverse #construction is required in most cases by council.

Water Quality🚰🚿

Maintaining good water quality is essential to human health, the environment, agricultural industries and the recreational value of waterways, wetlands and coastal waters.

Hydrology & Ground Water 💧 💦

Groundwater is an important resource for water-dependent ecosystems, surface streamflow, drinking water supplies, irrigation and industrial development. Increasing demand and a drying climate is placing pressure on some groundwater resources.

HAZ-MAT🏚 Asbestos

IROS licensed Asbestos Assessors regularly carry out Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Inspection including ACMs, PCB, SMFs, Pb and Ozone Depleting Substances.

Review of Environmental Factors/ REF 🗂♻️

An REF is required to be implemented for ‘Activities’ such as those conducted by government as a part of the assessment of activities requiring approval under NSW legislation and planning instruments.

Development Application/ DA 🏗 🚧

A Development Application (DA) is a formal request for consent to execute proposed future development. This could include change of land uses, subdividing land, carrying out work on a building, and landscaping, amongst other things. At IROS, we can provide several DA process reports for you.

We Provide the Fastest turn-around-time Service in NSW​