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IROS COVID-19 plan


IROS AUSTRALIA commitment is to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees; we have developed a policy and procedure to cover the recent outbreak of Coronavirus/COVID-19 infection. Infection rates for the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) have rapidly increased in early to mid-2020 both globally, in Australia and our local area. We are closely monitoring the advice of relevant Australian Health authorities and will continue to consider the implications for our Company. As advised on the SafeWork NSW website, our actions to this outbreak include:

> to download Covid safe, smartphone application

> to monitor official Government sources for current information and advice

> to review and promote your organisation’s policies and measures for infection control

> to ensure workers are aware of the isolation/quarantine periods following advice from the Australian Government Department of Health. This includes information on when staff should not attend work:

> to provide clear guidance to workers about actions they should take if they become unwell or think they may have the symptoms of COVID-19, following advice from the Australian Government Department of Health and state or territory health department

> to eliminate (if possible) or minimise international work travel, in line with the travel advice on the Australian Government’s Smartraveller Provide regular updates to workers about the situation and any changes to organisational policies or procedures

> Contingency planning to manage staff absences

> to provide workers with information and links to relevant services should they require support.

Workers also must take reasonable care for their health and safety and to not adversely affect the health and safety of others. Workers should always be reminded to practice good hygiene and other measures to protect themselves and others against infection. This includes:

> Washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based hand rub (carry hand sanitiser with you)

> Staying home if carrying symptoms/sick (so you do not spread the illness to other community members )

> Practicing cough etiquette (keep away from other people, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable

tissues or clothing and clean your hands.

> Applying disposable tissues. Discarding the used tissue immediately

> Washing your hands after coughing, sneezing or using tissues, coughing into your elbow not hand

> Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth (viruses can transfer from your hands into the body)

> Avoid sharing cups, glasses, dishes or cutlery.

> If feeling unwell, avoid contacting with others (including shaking hands or another touching, such as hugging)

> Avoid shaking hands: when meeting clients, staff members are to follow the Government recommendation not to explain we have a no handshaking company WHS Policy for the protection of the community.

> Contacting a health care professional if you start to feel unwell or show any symptoms of COVID-19 infection – do not come to work.

> Notifying your line manager immediately if you come into contact with anyone who has or is believed to have the virus – to allow IROS to act to protect all employees adequately.

Please remember if you display any of the following symptoms, you are not to come into work and please notify Your line manager as soon as possible. Common symptoms of the virus can include fever, flu-like symptoms such as :

sore throat,
runny nose,
headaches and
difficulty in breathing.

Keep a safe distance and stay COVID free!